Sunday, September 25, 2016

Bohemian Switzerland Day 4: Jetřichovické skály

How could we spend time in mountains without a full day of proper hiking? Impossible :) So we took our two little ones and set out to see the walls of Jetrichovice. I chose the most popular route around and I wasn't disappointed. Of course, there were quite many people, but all in all it was bearable and the route was very pleasant. We shortened the original distance we were supposed to do but it was still enough to see the spotlights of Elbe Sandstone Mountains.

The path (rather easy when it comes to technical grade) led through a series of little peaks / view points / towers. So there were: Marina Skala, Vilemina Stena, Rudolfuv Kamen and a couple of more. We didn't reach Saustejn which is supposedly fun but with two little ones and my stomach starting aching (after surgery I shouldn't be doing any sports in at least 3 months so I pushed it a little bit) we decided we had enough for the day.

What we both really liked about the Elbe Sandstone mountains is that they offer an Alpine-ish look. I mean that the rock formations scattered around make the area look rough - more like mountains rather than hills. Which is good and we enjoyed it. Of course, 700 m is not really an alpine elevation but as for such little mountains they offer very versatile surroundings.

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