Sunday, January 27, 2013

Lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you...

Today we had a marvellous occasion to go an a real sleigh ride with real horses. Such sleigh rides are very popular in south of Poland. In the north - where we live, it's rather unusual to have such rides with real horses. For us it was the first time and I really liked it. Horses are awesome! The weather was fine - cold enough to keep the snow and not freezing to the bones. A stud farm was situated in the outskirts of Szczecin where snow was pretty much intact. Before we started the ride we had had some time to get acquainted with the animals.

All in all there were 2 horses, 12 people, 1 big sledge and 5 little ones. The best fun was at the back, on the little ones. I liked the sound of bells ringing (they were hung on the horses neck - felt like Christmas!). And the ride was real fun!

We had exceptional fun when someone fell off and had to run fast to catch the others :)

After an hour of amusement and laughter we came back to the stud to warm up a bit by the fire, grab a sausage to eat and drink warm tea with a slight addition of rhum or cherry brandy.

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