Saturday, January 26, 2013

Ozeaneum in Stralsund

After a long walk at the seaside (see: Natureum post) we headed to Stralsund - the main destination of our trip. It's known for the Baltic See museum called Ozeaneum. Inside one can see a lot of underwater marvels - it's a place I have wanted to travel to for a long time now. We didn't see so much of the city. It was freezing cold and gloomy so we went straight to the museum

The exhibition started creepily - with a lot of plastic (to-me-lame) specimen or taxidermized animals or, even worse - shellfish in formalin. We rushed through those rooms, not having a lot of interest in non-organic exhibition. Fortunately, it was just a warm up before the real fun - the multitude of aquariums.

At some point we had a close encounter with a sea monster (an octopus of some kind). It was both, scary and amazing. I was taking a photo of a seemingly calm creature, but apparently it didn't like my camera and leaped on me! (I am not sure if a creature can leap in water, but for the sake of my dramatic description let it stay as "leap"). After a while the octopus came back to it's withdrawn position at the back of the aquarium. I have to say I was very surprised by this sudden display of power. Bullies are everywhere!

The biggest aquarium was really huge and looked like a cinema screen. One could watch the wildlife in it from 3 different floors. Schools of fish were amazing. The glass was thick for 50 cm!

At the end of our round we visited penguins. Penguins, yay! I love penguins. They are soooo adorable. It's a pity it was too bloody cold to stay outside and watch them play under water. Their aquarium was situated on an upper level of the building and we could see Stralsund panorama from there. Having said goodbye to penguins we went to the old town of the city, had a cup of coffee and a bite of cake and went back to our warm car.

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