Sunday, August 17, 2014


Usually I don't like going to the same mountain places again, but we made an exception for Sixt-Fer-a-Cheval which we already saw last year. The route which is called Cirque du Fer a Cheval is a very nice 4-hour walk in the valley of Alps. It's specialty - waterfalls and no technical difficulty (it's more of walk rather than hike).

It's a pity that many of the waterfalls were dried already. I imagine this place must be enchanting in spring, when all the snow is melting. For now, the only remains of snow in the valley is the icy cold water flowing from the peaks. Brrr... It felt freezing even when washing hands, I can't imagine wading in as Michał and Radek did! I want even mention Michał's dive under the waterfall. That is just crazy!!!

After a chilling bath we soon reached the end of the valley. The route then goes to the other side of the river through a suspended bridge. There were so many people that day that we actually had to queue...

When we finished the round trip, we weren't done for the day. Michał liked his waterfall shower so much that he wanted to go for a second one that day. And so we went to Cascade du Rouget - also known as the queen of Alps. This magnificent waterfall is over 80m high and forms two steps, splattering water at both levels. It was truly spectacular, cold and noisy. Of course, it was a bit too epic to swim under, but Michał approached pretty close and I think we can count his second waterfall shower as done.

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